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Photobiomodulation in Dentistry (PBM)
Friday, January 12, 2024 8:00 AM EST to Saturday, January 13, 2024
Category: Lecture & Hands-On
Photobiomodulation in Dentistry (PBM) Date:January 12 - 13, 2024
Course Description: •Light Based Diagnostics •Periodontal Applications •Implantology Applications •Facial Aesthetics •Snoring and Sleep Disordered Breathing •Mucositis and complex case studies •Medically compromised case management Workshop: Attendees will perform an interactive hands-on clinical demonstration with different devices.. •Dose and power settings •Points of applications •Benefits of different hand piece designs •Locate and identify trigger points and acupuncture points
OVERALL LEARNING OBJECTIVES : 1.Outline the biologic laser-tissue interactions of different laser wavelengths. 2.Understand fundamentals and mechanism s of action of PBM 3.Discover the indications for lasers and light-based technology with PBM. 4.Explain the safe applications of PBM various devices and wavelengths. 5.Understand the applications of PBMT to achieve the ideal clinical goals. 6.Review the advantages and limitations of different devices and laser wavelengths in PBMT. 7.Describe the use of PBMT in the treatment of periodontal disease. 8.Review the effect PDT and PAD on periodontal pathogenic bacteria. 9.Explain the current clinical applications in wound healing and pain management. 10.Review the clinical applications PBMT in implantology. 11.Address the possible benefits of PBMT in the treatment TMD. 12.Identify the clinical techniques of using PBMT for pain management and faster recovery in trauma cases. 13.Describe the effect of preconditioning concepts in dental procedures. 14.Describe how photobiomodulation may be used to increase healing after oral surgeries and management of pain for better outcomes.
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