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Photobiomulation and the Opioid Crisis

In November 2019, as a member of the editorial board of Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, I was asked to write an editorial on the topic of Photobiomodulation Treatment (PBMT) as a possible answer to the opioid crisis. (1) I started using PBMT in my small-town dental practice in 1993 and have eliminated using post-operative opioid prescriptions ever since. In today’s world, you can’t open any newspaper without finding an article on the opioid crisis and so many of addictions started with people being prescribed opiates after dental treatments. In this article, I will discuss the problem and show how PBMT can be a big part of the solution.


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Laser Physics Applied to Technique Increases ROI

By Aric Sven, Founder of Sventech

In this article we will shine some photons on the physics of lasers and how knowledge of this subject can improve the art of dentistry when applied to technique. There is no way I can cover all the various dental laser wavelengths in depth with a short article. However, I am hopeful this article will peak your interest in educating yourself past the presets on your laser’s control pad. Over the past 3 decades there have been many manufacturers with well-respected engineers bringing laser technology to our operatories. Articles on each wavelength have been written. There are many procedures that any given dental laser can perform and each has a niche depending upon its unique absorption characteristics in target tissues. To understand this we must have knowledge of the physics of each particular laser.

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ALDs 2021 Message of Hope from ALD President

By Ed Kusek, DDS, ALD President

As we enter a New Year, we have hope that the vaccine will allow us by next summer to be close to our past normal.

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AAID Publishes White Paper on COVID 19 Pandemic and Beyond

In September, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry published a white paper entitled "AAID White Paper: Management of the DentalImplant Patient During COVID-19 and Beyond” that addresses risks to patients and dental health care providers, transmission of saliva droplets, dental aerosols, methods for mitigation, including the proper way to equip dental offices. The paper addresses the following questions:  
  • What are the primary COVID-19 factors that put patients and dental health care providers at risk?

  • What is the proper way to equip dental offices to mitigate the associated risk factors?

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Member Spotlight - Mary Lynn Smith, RDH

Mary Lynn Smith, RDH

Our member spotlight this month is Mary Lynn Smith, RDH who has been an active member of ALD since 2004. Her journey with lasers started with a bit of skepticism, but after attending an ALD annual conference and learning of the many benefits of laser use, she hasn't looked back since! Mary Lynn participates in several ALD committees, including Auxiliary, Membership and Certification. You may contact Mary Lynn at [email protected].

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ALD Hits Grand Slam with Virtual Fall Symposium on PBM New Solutions with Light Therapy

By Gail Siminovsky, CAE, ALD Executive Director

October was Photobiomodulation month for the Academy of Laser Dentistry. The Symposium brought together over 140 attendees, 3 industry partners and 8 PBM experts to share the excitement and pioneering leadership in dentistry. New uses of light therapy to treat pain, providing relief for patients suffering from chronic pain, oral mucositis and other chemotherapy side effects, brain trauma, and varieties of facial pain were presented.

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Dr. Gerry Ross: Photobiomodulation Expert & Advocate

We interviewed Dr. Gerry Ross, who has used PBM for over 25 years, about his experiences with PBM. 


Dr. Gerry Ross is a long time member of ALD, he serves on the ALD Board of Directors and serves as the chair of the Academy’s Membership Committee. Using PBM for more than 25 years is more than enough to make him an expert. Dr. Ross has also written PBM chapters for two textbooks and is on the editorial board of the journal, "Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery". Dr. Ross has been using lasers in his practice since 1992 and has been utilizing photobiomodulation (PBM) since 1993 to reduce pain and promote healing. He’s been practicing general dentistry for 49 years.

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Healing with Light

By Gail S. Siminovsky, CAE

This October, the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD) is featuring conversations with the world’s top experts on Improving Patient Care & Wellbeing Using Light Therapy.  Healing with Light presents the latest scientific evidence, and clinical best practices, for using photo-bio-modulation (PBM) light therapy in everyday patient care.  Chiropractors, physical therapists, myofunctional therapists, and nurses use PBM for pain management, wound healing, and reducing inflammation.  Veterinarians use PBM to treat our pets and large animals.  Research on PBM’s role in reducing opioid use, treating side-effects of cancer therapy, addressing respiratory complications arising from COVID-19, and reversing brain trauma and macular degeneration are ongoing.

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