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Laser-Assisted Pedodontics & Orthodontics - Bahrain
Saturday, January 18, 2025, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
Category: Lecture & Hands-On

Laser-Assisted Pedodontics & Orthodontics

Date: January 18, 2025

Location: Bahrain

Speaker: Prof. Giovanni Olivi


Course Description:
MODULE: Laser-Assisted Pedodontics and Orthodontics

1.Discover the effects of tongue-tie on the newborn growth and on the orofacial development.
2.Outline the different methods to diagnosis a short lingual frenum.
3.Highlight the importance of a lingual frenum surgery and myofunctional therapy.
4.Review laser wavelengths currently used in pedodontics and their appropriate use.
5.Describe how photobiomodulation may be used to control pain and accelerate the speed of teeth movement.
6.Describe the utilization of lasers to improve orthodontic treatment.


Topics covered:

•Diagnosis and therapy of ankyloglossia

•Laser surgery for tongue-tie and other restrictive tethered oral tissues

•Laser therapy for airway management

•Prevention of enamel and dental caries

•Pulp therapy for primary teeth •Frenectomy

•Photobiomodulation in orthodontics

•Exposure of retained and impacted teeth


Workshops: Attendees will perform an intensive hands-on clinical simulation using in vitro tissue models.

•Pulp capping

•Cavity preparation of primary teeth

•Pit and fissure sealants Each candidate will gain hands-on experience on patients with selected laser wavelengths (Er,Cr:YSGG, Er:YAG, diode, Nd:YAG, and CO2) and perform 1 clinical procedure on a patient at the candidate’s practice under the virtual mentorship of one of the course instructors.


Sponsored by:
Learnovate Management Company W.L.L

Contact Phone:
+973 17005225

Contact Email:
[email protected]